Avidemux tutorial cut video
Avidemux tutorial cut video

Here are the instructions in the referenced tutorial (verbatim): Once AVIdeMux was installed, the next task was to follow the (seemingly garbled) instructions in that tutorial. That tutorial suggests the use of "avidemux", so my first task (OT) was to figure out how to install avidemux on Centos6 (which isn't easy, trust me - due to the dependencies and the fact it's not in the standard repositories). Googling some more, it seems the right way to go may be to try to follow this AVIdeMux tutorial: Googling, I found this forum where some people suggest AVISynth but, unfortunately, the CentOS installer (yum) doesn't have AVISynth as described here: Intuitively, I first tried using Linux "recordMyDesktop" to simply screen-capture the left half of the screen - that still might work - but it takes two hours to play the video and then it seems to take days for recordmydesktop to encode the results - so I'm looking for a faster method of splitting off one horizontal side of the 3D movie to make it a 2D movie instead. I have a 3D movie which I wish to convert to 2D on CentOS6 Linux for the learning experience and to help others. This is my first post ever on this forum.

Avidemux tutorial cut video